Romblon State University celebrates groundbreaking ceremony of new campus buildings

September 9, 2024 – Romblon State University (RSU) celebrated the groundbreaking of three major infrastructure projects: the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT) Building, the Health and Wellness Building Phase I, and the Learning Resource Center (LRC) Building Phase II.

Atty. Glenn Niño Sartillo, Vice President for Legal and Student Affairs and Services delivered an opening message to formally signify the start of the program.

President Dr. Merian P. Catajay-Mani delivered an inspirational message, reminding participants of their vital contributions to the university’s growth and development.

Apart from the administration led by President. Mani, playing a key role in the ceremony was IPPDO director, Architect Hannah Faith Morta, along with the inspectorate team, Mr. Zaldy Montoya, Engr. Eddie G. Fabila, Engr. Bliven Garcia, Engr. Alvin John Brecia, partner agency, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

Project end users also participated in the event, including Dr. Carlo Joseph M. Juanzo (Director, Learning Resource Center), Engr. Orley G. Fadriquel (Dean, College of Engineering and Technology) and Ms. Abegail F. Madali (Director, Health and Services Office).

The ceremony proceeded with a Pledge of Commitment led by the contractor, symbolizing their dedication to the university’s mission.

Dr. Tomas T. Faminial, Vice President for Administration and Finance concluded the program with a message, underscoring the importance of continuous development of the university as part of fulfilling its mission, vision, and core values.

The three inaugurated infrastructure projects are part of RSU’s Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP), marking the institution’s fulfillment of its commitment to sustainable growth and strategic planning.

The new CEAT Building will offer state-of-the-art facilities for engineering and architecture students, which will serve as a hub for innovative and practical learning experiences.

The Health and Wellness Building will support the physical and mental well-being of students and staff, while the expanded LRC will provide more expansive study areas and spaces for teaching, learning, and training programs.
RSU extends its gratitude to the Institutional and Physical Planning and Development Office (IPPDO), led by Architect Hannah Faith Morta, for their efforts in making this milestone possible.


Photo Credits: RSU Media & Public Affairs

RSU signs MOU with Marikina Polytechnic College

Romblon State University and Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC) have strengthened their ties by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on August 26, 2024. The formal signing took place at the Dusit Thani Manila Hotel during the 8th Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) Forum on Leadership and Value-Driven Schemes for Higher Education Development.

The MoU outlines a comprehensive framework for collaboration between the two institutions, focusing on a wide range of academic and research activities. Among the key areas of cooperation are joint research activities, exchange of faculty members/ students and academic materials, joint supervision of M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, establishment of double degrees and participation in seminars and academic meetings. This collaboration between RSU and MPC is expected to contribute to the growth of higher education in the Philippines by promoting innovation, academic excellence, and cross-institutional learning.

The signing ceremony was a key highlight of the AUAP Forum, wherein RSU also signed an MOU with the Bataan Peninsula State University.

RSU signs MOU with Bataan Peninsula State University

Romblon State University and the Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) have formalized their partnership through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding yesterday, August 26, at the Dusit Thani Manila Hotel. The event took place during the 8th Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) Forum on Leadership and Value-Driven Schemes for Higher Education Development.

The MoU, aimed at strengthening cooperative relations between RSU and BPSU, marks a significant milestone in both institutions’ efforts to enhance academic and cultural exchanges. The agreement focuses on mutual assistance in education and research, technology transfer, and the commercialization and localization of scientific advancements. The MoU also outlines various areas of collaboration, including faculty and student exchanges, joint research projects, and the development of customized educational programs. Both institutions have committed to working within their respective national regulations to achieve these goals.

The signing ceremony was among the highlights of the AUAP Forum, which brought together members within the AUAP network to discuss value-driven leadership and the future of higher education in Asia and the Pacific. The partnership between RSU and BPSU is expected to contribute to the regional development of higher education by fostering innovative practices and strengthening ties between the two universities.

RSU participates in 8th AUAP Forum on Leadership and Value Driven Schemes for Higher Education Development

Romblon State University actively participates in the 8th Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) Forum on Leadership and Value-Driven Schemes for Higher Education Development, happening today at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Manila.

The forum, a collaborative effort organized by AUAAP in cooperation with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Nims University, and Masters’ Institute of Development Academy Seminary (MIDAS), brought together university leaders and educators from across the Asia-Pacific region.

The event covers a range of crucial topics centered on leadership and value-driven approaches in higher education. Discussions include the impact of university digitization on leadership, strategies for integrating value-driven approaches to foster sustainable development, and the evolving roles of higher education leaders. Additional topics focused on university rankings, internationalization, and visibility strategies that enhance institutional recognition and promotion. These discussions provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing universities in the Asia-Pacific region today.

RSU President Dr. Merian P. Catajay-Mani, together with Atty. Glenn Niño M. Sartillo; Chief Administrative Officer and Dr. Gianinna Elaine M. Labicane; Director of the International Relations Office engaged in these discussions, aiming to gain new insight on innovative ideas and practices adoptable to the university. The insights gained are expected to play a crucial role in enhancing RSU’s leadership capabilities and its commitment to integrating value-driven approaches in all aspects of its academic and administrative functions.

RSU officials with Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General, AUAP and President Edgar G. Cue, President of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College

(From left to right) Dr. Gianinna Elaine M. Labicane; Director of the International Relations Office (RSU), Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General, AUAP, RSU President Dr. Merian P. Catajay-Mani, President Edgar G. Cue, President of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College and Atty. Glenn Niño M. Sartillo; Chief Administrative Officer (RSU)

The Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) is a network of higher education institutions dedicated to fostering collaboration, innovation, and leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. AUAP aims to promote the exchange of ideas and best practices among its members, enhancing the quality and impact of higher education across the region. The association organizes forums, conferences, and other events that bring together university leaders, educators, and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities facing higher education today.


RSU Partners with National Archives, Empowers Staff with Vital Records Management Skills in Two-Day Workshop

Romblon State University in partnership with the National Archives of the Philippines conducted a Records Management Training Workshop at the University Learning Resource Center last August 15-16, 2024.

The primary aim of this activity is to improve the effective records inventory and disposition program of the university and ensure valuable information, which is essential to the operations of the university’s documentary preservation.

This significant event was attended by Office Documented Officers with college deans, unit heads, and campus directors.

On the first day, the program commenced with a Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) preliminary briefing with the resource persons from the Records Management Services Division of the National Archives of the Philippines.

The second day highlights the inclusive and meaningful discussions and active involvement among participants, which developed a comprehensive understanding of records management strategies and maintenance transparency and accountability. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Emelyn F. Montoya also delivered an inspiring welcome remark to all the guests and participants.

University President, Dr. Merian P. Catajay-Mani delivered her words of challenge encouraging all participants to engage in this significant training workshop.

“This workshop is one of the many ways we unite and consolidate our efforts in fulfilling our promise of serving with honor and excellence. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to uphold high standards in terms of records management,” said Pres. Mani.

Romblon State University extends its sincere gratitude to the National Archives of the Philippines resource persons: Mr. Marvin Erwin M. Supan, Records Management Analyst II, and Mr. Gerald I. De Guzman, Records Management Analyst I, for sharing their valuable insights for this training workshop. Their expertise is evident, as the training ended with a constructive workshop beneficial to the workforce of the institution.

Atty. Glenn Nino M. Sartillo, Chief Administrative Officer represented by Ms. Irene I. Fadera delivered his closing remarks.

This event was initiated by the Quality Assurance Office, headed by Ms. Sarah Jane Fallaria, facilitated by Dr. Julio Romeo T. Chavez, Chairperson of Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC).

RSU, led by Dr. Mani with the strong support of the top officials was honored to have this grateful opportunity with the National Archives of the Philippines.

Congratulations to the entire committee for the success of this endeavor.

RSU welcomes guests, evaluators during AACCUP online accreditation

Romblon State University (RSU) continues its efforts to elevate education standards through the conduct of the AACCUP Online Accreditation today at 9:00 AM via ZOOM Meetings. The event was graced by top university officials led by President Merian P. Catajay-Mani, deans, directors, faculty, staff, and esteemed evaluators from AACCUP, led by Dr. Christopher S. Vicencio, Coordinator and Dr. Ruben Esmalde Borja II, Coordinator.

No description available.

Pres. Mani extended a warm welcome to all participants, emphasizing the significance of their expertise and evaluations in RSU’s pursuit of academic excellence.
“Your expertise and evaluations are invaluable as we strive for excellence in our academic programs. We express our heartfelt gratitude for your time, dedication, and valuable input as we look into the programs in each campus,” Pres. Mani stated.

The president commended the efforts of RSU’s quality assurance unit, led by Ms. Jinky Fallaria, for spearheading the accreditation process. Special recognition was also given to Dr. Philip R. Baldera and his team at the Graduate Education and Professional Studies for their rigorous preparation of documents and requirements for the Level 2 accreditation of programs such as the Master in Business Administration, Master in Educational Leadership and Management, Master in Public Administration, and PhD in Educational Leadership and Management.

Dr. Poly Banagan, Director of San Agustin Campus, was acknowledged for facilitating the preparations for the accreditation of the BS Criminology program for Level 2. The RSU community extends its heartfelt thanks to the AACCUP evaluators for their time and dedication in participating in this virtual accreditation, bridging the distance to ensure the continuous improvement of RSU’s academic programs.

#SDG4QualityEducation #SDG17partnershipsforthegoals

RSU hosts CHED Orientation on Internationalization and Global Citizenship

The RSU International Relations Office hosted a two-day orientation on internationalization and global citizenship with the theme: “Fostering Global Citizenship: Paving the Way for International Impact” on August 14-15, 2024, at the RSU Learning Resource Center. The orientation was led by Dr. Jimmy G. Catanes, CESE, the Regional Director of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) MIMAROPA,along with his accompanied by his team, which included Engr. Edgar C. Cepe, Chief Education Program Specialist; Benhur A. Villanueva Jr., Education Program Specialist II; and Kenmark D. Hernandez, Project Technical Staff III.

The orientation focused on curriculum internationalization and the importance of integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into educational practices. Dir. Catanes guided participants in identifying key areas where the university could excel and make a significant impact, particularly through integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their operations and curriculum.

The highlight of the orientation was on world university rankings methodologies, particularly for the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings and the World University Rankings for Innovation (WURI).  The participants, which included deans, directors, and other designated officials, engaged in brainstorming sessions on RSU’s potential entries for the ranking systems.

The activity aimed to build the capacity of the participants as RSU strives to enhance its international standing and promote sustainable and impactful educational practices. Through these efforts, RSU aspires to contribute meaningfully to the global academic community and foster a culture of international cooperation and sustainability.

RSU inks MOU with Dalhousie University to Strengthen Smart Agriculture Collaboration

In a significant move to advance smart agriculture and foster international collaboration, Romblon State University and the Dalhousie University – Faculty of Agriculture inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) last July 19, 2024, at Dalhousie University’s Halifax Campus. The MOU was signed by RSU President, Dr. Merian P. Catajay Mani and Mr. Matt Hebb, Vice President of the Government and Global Relations at Dalhousie University.

Witnessing the momentous occasion were Congressman Eleandro Jesus F. Madrona, Representative of the Lone District of Romblon, and Her Excellency Maria Andrelita S. Austria, Ambassador of the Philippines to Canada, along with other representatives from RSU, Dalhousie University, and the Nova Scotia – Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

This MOU marks a new chapter in the ongoing collaboration between RSU and Dalhousie University, focusing initially on the field of smart agriculture. The agreement outlines a commitment from both institutions to cooperate in the development of smart agriculture initiatives at RSU and the province of Romblon at large.

This strategic partnership not only strengthens the academic ties between RSU and Dalhousie, but also represents a significant milestone following RSU’s prior engagement with Canadian Higher Education Institutions at the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) Conference held in Vancouver last November 2023. This initial engagement was made possible through the initiative of the Commission on Higher Education – International Affairs Service, led by Atty. Lily Freida M. Milla, as well as Ms. Angel Cachuela, Trade Commissioner of Embassy of Canada – Manila, who facilitated that matching process that led to RSU and Dalhousie’s first meeting. This mission would have also not been possible without the unwavering support of CHED Chairmain, Dr. J. Prospero “Popoy” E. De Vera III.

In its commitment to academic excellence, internationalization, and sustainability, RSU and Dalhousie are set to embark on a collaborative journey that promises to bring innovation, sustainability, and growth to the field of agriculture and fisheries, ultimately benefiting communities in both the Romblon and Nova Scotia.

Romblon State University Embarks on Successful Partnership Mission to Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada

Romblon State University has taken a significant step towards internationalization with its successful partnership mission to Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Nova Scotia, Canada last July 13-22, 2024, wherein they benchmarked smart agriculture practices with the main objective of establishing RSU as a center of excellence in the field of Agriculture.

The delegation was composed of Hon. Congressman Eleandro Jesus “Budoy” F. Madrona; Hon. Mayor Lisette M. Arboleda; RSU President Merian P. Catajay Mani; VP Tomas T. Faminial; VP Emelyn F. Montoya; VP Eddie G. Fetalvero; Atty. Glenn Niño M. Sartillo; Dr. Gianinna Elaine M. Labicane, Mr. Jayson Reeves C. Mani; Mr. JRden F. Fadallan; Dr. Alfredo F. Fortu Jr., Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences; Dr. Rey P. Rasgo, RSU Sta. Fe Campus Director; Mr. Elisha Danne D. Gabinete, a BS Agriculture student and Ms. Danielle S. Geguillan, a BS Fisheries student.

On the first day of the partnership mission, the delegation met with key officials from the Dalhousie University – Faculty of Agriculture to discuss international cooperation, technical assistance services, student and faculty mobility and exchange, and joint programming, setting the stage for a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership between the two institutions.

The officials RSU engaged with during this initial meeting were:
• Dr. Gefu Wang-Pruski, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture
• Dr. Dian Patterson, Associate Dean Academic
• Dr. Miriam Gordon, Assistant Dean International
• Dr. Balakrishnan Prithiviraj, Assistant Vice President, Government & Global Relations
• Mike McConkey, Project and Finance Manager, Farm;
• Lana Bos, Manager, International; and,
• David Parks, Projects & Partnerships Coordinator, International.

The delegation also engaged in a series of meetings and visits to Dalhousie University’s state-of-the-art agricultural facilities. They explored the latest advancements in precision farming, sustainable agriculture, and digital tools for farm management, allowing them to gain valuable insights into the implementation of smart agriculture techniques, which are poised to revolutionize farming practices not only within RSU, but at the province of Romblon as a whole.

Dr. Emelyn F. Montoya, RSU’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Hon. Mayor Lisette M. Arboleda of the Municipality of Looc, Romblon, also visited Dalhousie University’s Halifax Campus to benchmark the University’s Nursing program in alignment with RSU’s intention to set up its own allied medicine programs in the near future, thereby expanding its academic offerings and addressing healthcare needs in Romblon.

The delegation also visited Dalhousie University’s industry partners, including Scotian Gold, Luckett Vineyards, Dykeview Farm, and Cornwallis Farm. These visits provided valuable insights into not only the integration of smart technologies in various agricultural settings, but Dal’s unique contributions to its partners within the local community.

Luckett Vineyards with Member of Parliament (MP) Kody Blois, Chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture

The delegation also had the privilege of meeting several prominent figures, including Member of Parliament (MP) Kody Blois, Chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture; and MP Stephen Douglas Ellis of Cumberland—Colchester.

The delegation was also graciously welcomed in Nova Scotia’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, where they had the privilege of engaging with Her Excellency Maria Andrelita S. Austria, Ambassador of the Philippines to Canada. Also in this courtesy meeting were Ms. Myca Magnolia Maog Fischer, Deputy Head of Mission of the Philippines Embassy; Ms. Connie Lacson, Honorary Consul of the Philippines in Nova Scotia; Ms. Tracey Taweel, Executive Deputy Minister; Ryan Grant, Deputy Minister Advanced Education; and Kathlene Farrell, Department of Intergovernmental Affairs.

The mission culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between RSU and the Dalhousie University- Faculty of Agriculture, formalizing their partnership and paving the way for future collaborations between the institutions. The MOU outlines plans for joint projects, faculty and student exchanges, and the development of curriculum modules focused on smart agriculture that are responsive to the pressing needs of the industry.

This partnership mission was generously funded by the Office of Congressman Eleandro Jesus F. Madrona — a testament to his unwavering support for quality education as the “Father of Romblon State University”, as well as his commitment to ensure food security and sustainability in the province of Romblon through cutting-edge agricultural practices. His commitment to fostering academic excellence and sustainable development in the region has been instrumental in making this mission a reality.

This initiative is a direct result of RSU’s previous engagement with Canadian Higher Education Institutions during the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) conference held in Vancouver last November 2023. Earlier this year, representatives from Dalhousie University visited RSU to gain an extensive understanding of RSU’s agricultural context and identify key areas of partnership between the institutions.

This successful partnership mission marks a new chapter in RSU’s journey towards internationalization, academic excellence and community empowerment. As RSU moves forward with its vision of becoming a smart agriculture hub in the region, the knowledge and partnerships gained from this mission leverages RSU to implement innovative agricultural practices, enhance academic programs, and contribute to the sustainable development of Romblon’s agricultural sector and in promotion of the province’s agriecotourism.

RSU inks MOU with Dalhousie University to Strengthen Smart Agriculture Collaboration

In a significant move to advance smart agriculture and foster international collaboration, Romblon State University and the Dalhousie University – Faculty of Agriculture inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) last July 19, 2024, at Dalhousie University’s Halifax Campus. The MOU was signed by RSU President, Dr. Merian P. Catajay Mani and Mr. Matt Hebb, Vice President of the Government and Global Relations at Dalhousie University.

Witnessing the momentous occasion were Congressman Eleandro Jesus F. Madrona, Representative of the Lone District of Romblon, and Her Excellency Maria Andrelita S. Austria, Ambassador of the Philippines to Canada, along with other representatives from RSU, Dalhousie University, and the Nova Scotia – Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

This MOU marks a new chapter in the ongoing collaboration between RSU and Dalhousie University, focusing initially on the field of smart agriculture. The agreement outlines a commitment from both institutions to cooperate in the development of smart agriculture initiatives at RSU and the province of Romblon at large.

This strategic partnership not only strengthens the academic ties between RSU and Dalhousie, but also represents a significant milestone following RSU’s prior engagement with Canadian Higher Education Institutions at the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) Conference held in Vancouver last November 2023. This initial engagement was made possible through the initiative of the Commission on Higher Education – International Affairs Service, led by Atty. Lily Freida M. Milla, as well as Ms. Angel Cachuela, Trade Commissioner of Embassy of Canada – Manila, who facilitated that matching process that led to RSU and Dalhousie’s first meeting. This mission would have also not been possible without the unwavering support of CHED Chairmain, Dr. J. Prospero “Popoy” E. De Vera III.

In its commitment to academic excellence, internationalization, and sustainability, RSU and Dalhousie are set to embark on a collaborative journey that promises to bring innovation, sustainability, and growth to the field of agriculture and fisheries, ultimately benefiting communities in both the Romblon and Nova Scotia.